Mushroom and Caramelized Onion Sandwiches

This is a vegetarian recipe, but not vegan, because of all the butter!

A lot of mushrooms. Two cartons at least. I used the baby Bellas for this.
1 medium or large yellow onion
1/4 cup Mayonnaise
horseradish (I use 2 teaspoons-ish, but horseradish is personal taste thing. You do you.)
2 cloves garlic, pressed
lemon juice (half a lemon or a long squirt from the little plastic lemon)
buns you like

Slice the onion. Melt some butter (a tablespoon) in a sauce pan. Once it stops foaming, add the onion slices and a little salt. Start them at medium, but as soon as they start to get golden turn them down to get a s-lo-w golden brown. This should take a little while. Don’t rush your onions. You can add some thyme here if you want.

Clean the mushrooms* and slice them. They’ll cook down, so they can be chunky slices. Toss them with a little olive oil, and roast them at 350 for 20-30 minutes.

While the mushrooms are roasting and the onions are napping in the hot butter, make a sauce of the mayo, horseradish, garlic, and lemon juice. Add a little salt, and maybe a little cayenne. Taste it and see what it needs.
(This would be good with cream cheese instead of mayo, but I had mayo and didn’t want to go to the store.)

Add the roasted mushrooms (they will look a somewhat dry) to the onions, and add more butter. Maybe a splash of sherry if you have some, but not much. Let everything sit together happily getting buttery while you toast your buns.

Spread the buns with sauce, add the mushroom/onion mixture, and top with arugula. Don’t skip the arugula- the mushrooms are rich and you will want the crisp peppery greens.

*Most people recommend brushing, but Alton Brown did a show where he cleaned them with water and measured them, and they were fine. They added maybe 5% of their pre-washed weight, and it cooks off. Just don’t soak them.

I will be adding an opinion soon about the politics and art, but it’s still working. The preview is, if you want people to care about people they don’t know; maybe dial back the energy being put into anger and disdain and throttle up on the art. It requires imagination to empathize with people you’ve never met or can’t see, so the road to change is going to be paved with art.